Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Conservative Jumps Ship

They're dropping like flies.
I’m voting for Barack Obama this November for a very simple reason. It is hard to imagine a more disastrous presidency than that of George W. Bush. It was bad enough that he launched an unnecessary war and undermined the standing of the United States throughout the world in his first term. But in the waning days of his administration, he is presiding over a collapse of the American financial system and broader economy that will have consequences for years to come. As a general rule, democracies don’t work well if voters do not hold political parties accountable for failure. While John McCain is trying desperately to pretend that he never had anything to do with the Republican Party, I think it would a travesty to reward the Republicans for failure on such a grand scale.
Francis Fukuyama

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Endorse These Endorsements

Esquire has a pretty good voting guide, in case you were still undecided.
Highlights include the following...
From The Ten Worst Members of Congress:
Senator Joe Lieberman (I), Connecticut
Inherent in politics is the fact that someone always loses. Some lose gracefully, some lose poorly, and, as in the case of Joe Lieberman, some lose their minds. Since being defeated by an antiwar candidate in the Democratic primary in 2006, Lieberman (who was subsequently reelected as an Independent) has pursued his campaign of revenge against his former party, thinly disguised as an act of principle, replete with the quavering sanctimony that no country should have to put up with from anyone, much less from this small man.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R), Minnesota
One gets the impression that if, in the name of "traditional values," Bachmann could rescind the vote for women, she would. Her vacant, wild eyes recall a doomsday prophet, or one of Charlie Manson's girls. Equal parts religious hack and party hack, she's got spunk and not much else.
Rep. John Murtha (D), Pennsylvania
Murtha's principled early stand on the war must never be forgotten. But neither must his stand against his own party's ethics reforms in 2006. The reforms were, he said, "total crap." Not because they were bad public policy, mind you, but because they might rein in Murtha's breathtaking earmarks -- more than $100 million annually for his Johnstown district, the richest handout in the country. Oh, and as Defense Appropriations Subcommittee chairman, he routinely punishes other members by taking away their earmarks. Murtha's got to go.
From the 10 Best:
Senator Olympia Snowe (R), Maine
In 2006, we called Snowe "one of the real grown-ups in Congress." And she has continued to chaperone the unruly bunch during the rather dispiriting two years since. A passionate opponent of partisan bickering, she says, "People don't live by ideology alone. They live by solutions." We wholeheartedly agree. Paradoxically, she'll have an easier time of it should Democrats pick up more Senate seats.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm Not Worried

This is my bank. They have all my money. And this is their ad:

They Got Hitched

My second favorite thing about Christopher Hitchens is his ability to utterly decimate those he disagrees with. My favorite thing about him is that he smokes in the shower.
This is what the Republican Party has done to us this year: It has placed within reach of the Oval Office a woman who is a religious fanatic and a proud, boastful ignoramus. Those who despise science and learning are not anti-elitist. They are morally and intellectually slothful people who are secretly envious of the educated and the cultured. And those who prate of spiritual warfare and demons are not just "people of faith" but theocratic bullies. On Nov. 4, anyone who cares for the Constitution has a clear duty to repudiate this wickedness and stupidity.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Disturbing Pro-Prop 8 Video

Who is the major funding operation behind the disgusting effort in California to pass Prop 8? 30-40% comes from the Mormon Church.


Obama now has a 14 point lead in Pennsylvania.


There are plenty of good people on the other side. Watch as they send the crazies packing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Teach Us

Palin is now treating her Republican supporters as if they were five years old and were being read a children's book. This morning she referenced all the other people in your neighborhood. It's not just Joe the Plumber.

There's also:
Tito the Builder
Phil the Bricklayer
Rose the Teacher
and Barack the Wealth Spreader

Sedaris weighs in

From Jezebel today:

David Sedaris offers this analogy to help us understand undecided voters: "I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. 'Can I interest you in the chicken?' she asks. 'Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?' To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."

Alec Baldwin on Palin and SNL

Mayor of Wasilia: Real Responsibilities

Check it out. 1:45 in.

Now this is the only reason you take a break from campaigning

Barack Obama's grandma is ill.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Get Ready for Wright

John McCain continuing to invoke the John Lewis thing -- that he compared McCain/Palin rallies to George Wallace rallies in the 60's -- points in only one direction. He's going to use this to justify playing the Jeremiah Wright card. As we creep closer to the end, and they are left with no other alternatives, all the stops are going to be pulled out. It's gonna be a week and a half of Obama hates white people.

Republican Arrested in Voter Fraud

Oops. I'm sure the media elite will be piling on the Republicans for their hypocrisy on Acorn... Right?

Even Fox is Challenging Him

Oscar Watch

First Dude Visits Beaver Stadium

A few of us were at Penn State on Saturday. Sadly, we didn't get to see the First Dude.

Media Lays Into Barney Frank

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Maddow profile

I don't know if this is exactly election-related (is that the primary focus here?) but I just have to point out that the Times mag's piece on Rachel Maddow today just increased my girl crush on her tenfold. Seriously, how do I get an invite to the country house? Nath, any connections?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

No More Joe the Plumber

I pulled the last two posts, because it turns out Joe is not related to Keating.

He is however an unlicensed plumber, he voted Republican in the primaries and apparently owes back taxes. He did compare Obama to Sammie Davis Jr. last night too.

I promise: No more comments on Joe the Plumber.

I'm sick of him.

Sell Out

Kyle just signed up for ad revenue for his blog. Look what the ad is to the right of this. Let me ask, is 10 cents really worth it?

(Kyle said the ad will change and I will look dumb, but the ad right now is for McCain. Kyle is also now accusing me of trying to switch the conversation from Joe the Plumber to Kyle the Blogger.)

Joe the Plumber: In the Tank?

One of the most ridiculous things to happen at a debate in recent years, Republican hacks clearly got in touch with this tool before the debate. Last night, he was heard from by ABC News to say Obama's tax plan "infuriates me." He's upset that he says he's going to get taxed more under Obama's tax plan. Apparently his new business will net than $250,000 net a year. Poor Joe the Plumber. Exactly how much less money would this sad, poor man make?

Zero. Under Obama's plan anyone making from $226,982-$603,402 would pay zero more taxes. Under McCain they will pay 3.2 percent less. It's an anti-progressive plan for McCain. Joe the Plumber who makes more than twice as much money as I do will get more than half as much of a tax decrease than I do.

Joe was clearly contacted and set up by the Republicans to be their mouthpiece for McCain's flawed tax policies. If he carries around a six-pack and shouts "kill him!" he'll be perfect for the Palin rallies too.

DFW on John McCain

Just wanted to link to this amazing article about John McCain, written by one of the great writers of our generation.

And a big shoutout to Pomona grads (Cricket!). David Foster Wallace is pictured with a Pomona College t-shirt, where he taught.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Other Big Things at Stake in this Election

I pulled this from Andrew Sullivan's blog.

Just got back from California and Proposition 8 is a huge debate going on there. The friend I stayed at had a neighbor with a "Vote No on Proposition 8" sign in front of their yard. The next day, the neighbor across the street put up a "McCain/Palin" sign. Prop 8 really could move forward or set back gay rights by many, many years.

It's a disgrace that Obama and Biden are against gay marriage.

Early Halloween

Click here for something truly scary.

And make sure to click different elements. Last click: Red Phone.

Batman vs. The Penguin: The Debate

My favorite comment: "Robin is Rachel Maddow."

October surprise?

I'm betting Steve Schmidt pushed her...

Nancy Reagan falls, fractures pelvis

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Nancy Reagan has been hospitalized in Los Angeles, California, with a broken pelvis.

Reagan spokeswoman Joanne Drake says the 87-year-old former first lady fell at her home last week. She decided Monday to get checked out at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where doctors determined she had a fractured pelvis.

Drake says Mrs. Reagan is in good spirits and surgery isn't required. She's in some pain and undergoing physical therapy.

It was not known how long Mrs. Reagan will be hospitalized.

Drake says Mrs. Reagan apparently got up in middle of the night at her Bel-Air home and fell after twisting her leg.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh The Hypocrisy

Republicans upset about Seniors not marking their ballots properly...
And female Democrats kickin' some Senior ass.


This whole Acorn thing is a disgrace.

Acorn FAQ.

Big City Values

We're number one!

McCain is not great

Say what you will about Christopher Hitchens - like that he's a pompous blowhard who will take any political or cultural stance that stirs up the least bit of controversy - it's heartening to read his complete and utter rejection of the Republican candidates. This is a man who really loathed Bill Clinton and who only last month referred to Obama as "gutless" and "vapid." One can only hope this rant is a reflection of similar trends amongst lower-profile swing voters.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Return of Schmidt

What are his credentials?
1. 1998. Ran Tim Leslie's unsuccessful bid for Lieutenant Governor of California.
2. 1998. Communications director for the unsuccessful bid of Matt Fong for US Senate.
3. 1999. Communications director for the unsuccessful bid of Lamar Alexander for President.
4. late 2000. Communications director for the House Department on Energy and Commerce. Enron, the world's largest trader in energy, collapses within a year.
4. 2003. Worked for the Direct Impact Lobbying Firm -- representing Philip Morris.
5. The last four years -- Deputy Assistant to the president and special counselor to Dick Cheney.

He seems perfectly qualified to be one of the campaign directors for the most important election of our lifetime.

About Schmidt

September 11th handed George Bush his second term -- yet he almost managed to lose. And this against a second-rate candidate in John Kerry.

I am more and more convinced as this campaign goes on that Steve Schmidt (Karl Rove's bullet-headed clone) is not all he was hyped up to be. And this of course means that Karl Rove was not all he was hyped up to be. A number of prominent conservatives have been calling for McCain to re-boot his campaign, change the focus, ask for a do-over. They keep telling us John McCain needs to go back to being John McCain. And not the erratic, negative, irrascible old man whom we've seen the last month.

Two things I would say in response to this:
1) Karl Rove is not and has never been the genius everyone hyped him up to be. He is a smart tactician and political thug, but his greatest good fortune is that he was in the right place at the right time -- post-Lewinsky politically-disengaged America. He was somehow lucky enough to be corrupt enough to be dismissed from the Bush administration before the shit really hit the fan and before he could be named to be McCain's acknowledged political advisor. Instead, it's his even-more thuggish and not-as-smart protege who is left with the egg in his face.
2) John McCain has always been a political opportunist. He has always done what he believes will get him to where he wants to go. And he will do it recklessly. Ask the Air Force. They're out five planes.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Arguably, my favorite movie of all time. In light of this trailer, it looks like there might be a sequel. One that could cost us all....our lives.

King Palin

Here is the best response I've seen yet to why Sarah Palin has no business touting herself as an energy expert.
Whether or not I agree with John McCain, he is of presidential timber. But putting the country in the position where a total novice like Sarah Palin could be asked to steer us through possibly the most serious economic crisis of our lives is flat out reckless. It is the opposite of conservative.

And please don’t tell me she will hire smart advisers. What happens when her two smartest advisers disagree?

And please also don’t tell me she is an “energy expert.” She is an energy expert exactly the same way the king of Saudi Arabia is an energy expert — by accident of residence. Palin happens to be governor of the Saudi Arabia of America — Alaska — and the only energy expertise she has is the same as the king of Saudi Arabia’s. It’s about how the windfall profits from the oil in their respective kingdoms should be divided between the oil companies and the people.

At least the king of Saudi Arabia, in advocating “drill baby drill,” is serving his country’s interests — by prolonging America’s dependence on oil. My problem with Palin is that she is also serving his country’s interests — by prolonging America’s dependence on oil. That’s not patriotic. Patriotic is offering a plan to build our economy — not by tax cuts or punching more holes in the ground, but by empowering more Americans to work in productive and innovative jobs. If Palin has that kind of a plan, I haven’t heard it.

It's Getting Ugly

As Palin stirs up crowds into a frenzy about Obama they shout "Kill Him" back at her, then shout abuse and racial epithets at reporters.

More on Palin and succession.

Claude's Future Hubby...

...last night on Colbert. That's one Nate Silver of Chicago, IL and

Biden is my fave; Palin, not so much

I've made no effort to hide my regard for Senator Joe Biden and my disdain for his Republican counterpart. In an interview with CBS this morning, he pushed back on Palin's relentless attacks against Barack Obama from recent days. He calls her comments "malarkey!" Who else could say "malarkey" with such force? Um, NO ONE!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Investment

Here's a place for those of you worried about where to place your money in these troubling economic times. 25% return so far this year.

Keating Crap

It does no good for Obama to go negative. Be confident, steady, continue to talk about the economy, assure people you are an agent of change, but above all do not stoop to their level. Be a leader. We need one right now.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm More Qualified to be V.P. than Sarah Palin

Click here and tell the (whoever gets access to this blog once it's populated) world!

Show me Trig's Birth Certificate...

And I promise, I'll never make another joke about Trig, Bristol and Sarah maternity triangle again.

Thanks to Sara Stewart for sending this post to me, for it is genius.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Alaska First

Palin wants to call Obama a terrorist by association because he was in the room a few times with Bill Ayers. But what about the First Dude?
"If Palin is going to say this, it is now perfectly legitimate to point out that she repeatedly courted a secessionist group founded by someone who openly professed hatred of the American government, cursed our flag, and wanted to secede from the Union. Sarah's husband, Todd Palin, was a member of this group, which continues to venerate that founder to this day, for years.
As you already know, the group is the Alaska Independence Party, which sees as its ultimate goal seceding from the union. Todd was a member, with a brief exception, from 1995 until 2002, according to the Division of Elections in Alaska."

What Could Have Been

Olympia Snowe
Passionate, articulate, independent-minded, truly willing to put partisanship aside. Just one of many other capable and extraordinary women from the Republican party who could have been named.

Hockey Moms for Palin: Or Else

From the Huffington Post:
At a rally today in California, Gov. Sarah Palin offered up a rather jarring argument for supporting the Republican ticket. "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women," the Alaska Governor said, claiming she was quoting former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Economists Weigh In: McCain Vs. Obama

When given a do-over for her bumbling answer to Katie Couric's question about which newspapers or magazines she reads, Sarah Palin told Fox News she reads The New York Times and The Economist.

I wonder if she read the following article?  

According to this poll, leading economists came out 80% in favor of Obama.

Can I Get Another Whiskey Sour Honey?

From Andrew Sullivan
A reader writes:
In reaction to Rich Lowry, I'm sure I'm not the only woman who, upon reading his words, sat up a little straighter and said, "Is he kidding? Is he goddamn kidding me?" Is this the kind of reaction the women in this country should want men to have to the possible first female Vice Presidential candidate in history? Holy hell.
I thought Palin's performance at the debate was downright embarrassing and on top of that I have to read this clown's blog, stating more or less that Palin gave him an erection? Little starbursts my ass. Here's what I thought when Palin "dropped" that first wink at us: "Did she just wink at us like she was America's cocktail waitress?" Rich Lowry is on the verge of slapping Sarah Palin on the ass and asking her for another of those fantastic whiskey sours.

Marge meets Sarah

Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin: Uncensored

The working title is "Riding Pipeline"

Here is the actual script:

PALIN: Who is it?

GRUFF MALE VOICE: It's JOE, the tanning-bed repairman.

(PALIN unlocks the door and opens it)

PALIN: Hiya! You were supposed to be here two hours ago, doncha know?

JOE: I'm sorry. My snowmobile broke down outside of Matunska. I had to walk the rest of the way.

PALIN: Well, you're in luck. I just baked a batch of chocolate-chip cookies. Why don't you come inside and I'll fix you a plate of 'em?

(JOE obliges. He takes a seat on the couch. PALIN enters the kitchen and returns shortly after with the cookies. She gives them to JOE, but not before looking him up and down.)

PALIN: My oh my. That's quite a toolbelt you have on. It looks heavy.

JOE: I have a big hammer.

PALIN: Oh, I betcha do. I love a big hammer. But I love screwdrivers, too! And wrenches. The fact is I love and respect all of America's diverse tools, big and small. They're what helps make us so great as a nation. Here, let me take that off for ya.

(PALIN takes a seat on the coach beside JOE and starts to undo his belt. He stops her.)

JOE: Let's go take a look at the tanning bed first.

PALIN: Oooh, okay.

(PALIN leads JOE to the tanning salon in the basement. JOE carefully inspects the machine.)

JOE: Looks like there are just a bunch of screws loose.

PALIN: (seductively) You're in luck. I fully support off-shore and on-shore drilling.

(PALIN pounces on JOE and throws him onto the top of the tanning bed. She quickly rips off his jeans.)

PALIN: God almighty! You are hung like a moose. Now I have to eat ya!

JOE: I'm bigger than a moose. Do you have any contraceptives?

PALIN: It's okay. I already took a morning-after pill.

JOE: Um, are you sure it works that way?

PALIN: Are you asking me if I know what a morning-after pill is? Because I totally do! I'll get back to ya with specifics.

(The two proceed to make furious love in a multitude of positions. PALIN amply demonstrates that she has enough experience.)

PALIN: Fuck me harder! HARDER! Pound me until my head is so empty that I can't even remember the name of the one Supreme Court case I actually know! I want it to burn. Burn like a banned book. Oh God, Oh God, OH MY GOD! MAKE ME SEE RUSSIA FROM HERE!

(After 10 minutes, the two finish.)

PALIN: Wow-eee. I haven't had a ride that good since Todd took me for a spin on the back of his Yamaha at the Tesoro Iron Dog.

JOE: That was amazing. What now?

PALIN: I feel so alive! Let's grab my gay friend and go shoot wolves from the safety of a helicopter.

I hope I'm not repeating, but...

this Politico entry introduces us to the Sarah Palin version of a "do-over." Apparently, Fox News agreed to re-ask her two questions from the Couric interview: the Supreme Court question and the what do you read question. In an astonishing turn of events, she actually had good, concrete, intelligent answers. She must have just been nervous at first. And yes, i totally believe she reads The Economist.


Wearing her hair DOWN today. Bitch.

If you can stomach it, Sarah wants to tell you why Katie Couric is annoying.

Palin's Starbursts

Andrew Sullivan -- my favorite gay conservative blogger -- found this quote from Rich Lowry:
"I'm sure I'm not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, "Hey, I think she just winked at me." And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can't be learned; it's either something you have or you don't, and man, she's got it."

Fart Jokes are Still Funny

In times like this we need farts more than ever.

Krauthammer Waves the White Flag of Surrender

"Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. famously said of Franklin Roosevelt that he had a "second-class intellect, but a first-class temperament." Obama has shown that he is a man of limited experience, questionable convictions, deeply troubling associations (Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko) and an alarming lack of self-definition -- do you really know who he is and what he believes? Nonetheless, he's got both a first-class intellect and a first-class temperament. That will likely be enough to make him president."

Debate Flow Chart

Women and Palin

Time magazine reports on the phenomenon that I like to call "Monday" or Women Hating Sarah Palin. I find their reasoning faulty, but suffice it to say that why I hate Sarah Palin is less based on the fact that she is a woman, or pretty or confident or could embarrass me...IT'S BECAUSE SHE'S A FUCKING CRAVEN MORON WHO IS WHOLLY UNQUALIFIED FOR THE POSITION SHE'S GUNNING FOR. But whatevs, I'm probably just one of those angry feminists or something.


Diddy's scared.

Fox News: Fair and Balanced

It's a split:

We Must Not Wink

Palin in a landslide
Palin: 6 winks
Biden: 0 winks

In Case You Missed It

In case you missed the debate or you were afraid watching it would make you sick to your stomach, you can get the gist of Palin's political views right here. It captures the nuance and poetry of the folksy way she gets down to it when she's not being censored by the media elite if she is to be so privileged as to be our vice president and prevent our favorite ally from having to endure a second holocaust and make sure there are no stinking corpses because she is a maverick and not part of the good 'ol boys network:

Who lost the debate?

It was one of the most hotly anticipated debates of our lifetime.  Could have swung the election one way or the other.  The battle royal between Alaska's favorite daughter and Delaware's favorite son.  The Sassy Scrapper from Seward's Folly vs. The Pugnacious Palooka from the Peach State.

So who lost?

Gwen Ifill did. 

Halting, unsure, unwilling to get reactions or responses and unable make either candidate answer the questions that were asked of them.

I realize this was largely a function of the debate format -- no follow-up questions were allowed -- but in the interests of actually getting Sarah Palin to say something substantive, these rules could have been bent. It basically gave Palin the chance to give one long campaign speech.
James Fallows:
"Ifill, moderator: Terrible. Yes, she was constrained by the agreed debate rules. But she gave not the slightest sign of chafing against them or looking for ways to follow up the many unanswered questions or self-contradictory answers. This was the big news of the evening. Katie Couric, and for that matter Jim Lehrer, have never looked so good."
Other nicknames for Alaska:
The Last Frontier
Land of the Midnight Sun
Seward's Ice Box

The First State
The Diamond State
The Blue Hen State
New Sweden
Uncle Sam's Pocket Handkerchief
Corporate Capital
Small Wonder