Monday, October 13, 2008

The Return of Schmidt

What are his credentials?
1. 1998. Ran Tim Leslie's unsuccessful bid for Lieutenant Governor of California.
2. 1998. Communications director for the unsuccessful bid of Matt Fong for US Senate.
3. 1999. Communications director for the unsuccessful bid of Lamar Alexander for President.
4. late 2000. Communications director for the House Department on Energy and Commerce. Enron, the world's largest trader in energy, collapses within a year.
4. 2003. Worked for the Direct Impact Lobbying Firm -- representing Philip Morris.
5. The last four years -- Deputy Assistant to the president and special counselor to Dick Cheney.

He seems perfectly qualified to be one of the campaign directors for the most important election of our lifetime.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Heard him on NPR this morning talking about how they were going to turn this thing around, and how "the next four years wouldn't look anything like the last eight." By which I can only assume he means we would additionally be at war with Iran.